Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can you be a Granny before a Mom?

That was one of my random thoughts. Can I be a Granny before a mom? I say this because I am soo interested in Grandma-esque hobbies lately. I'm trying to teach myself to knit. My first project goal is a scarf. Granted, I guess its not very grandma if I am teaching myself thru using the awesome forward thinking DIY videos. Perhaps a very tech savy Granny I shall be.
I got inspired because Christmas a year ago Liane gave me yarn and knitting needles. We both said again and again we were going to learn or have her friend Whitney teach us. Well, two weeks ago I decided those needles taunting at me beside the yarn still wrapped in its package were ready to be busted loose! So far....well I've casted on. Hopefully, thats hard because it took me forever to get it going. Now I am looking for the next motivating evening to begin knitting my second row. With the snow coming and winter setting in....I think I will have some snow days to get in some knitting time ;)
Also, I am starting to cook a little more. Shocking I know!
I spent a good hour the other morning sitting with my coffee and checking out some recipes online. I love the slow cooker recipes because they are most conducive to me and Nathaniel's lifestyle. So tonight we are testing out cranberry chicken. Recipe can be found at
We are choosing to eat healthy not just quick meals. This chicken getup is 350 calories per serving. The polls are still open as to how it ranks......After dinner we shall see!
Another great recipe was from my friend Lori's facebook...Healthy Banana Oatmeal Coookies. Super easy, quick, and loved by the Hubby!

So perhaps I'm not becoming Grandma, maybe I'm just being a little domesticated? Yikes. Which sounds worse?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i haven't blogged since i was single ;)

Wow. So I was just puttering around online tonight, (Shopping the IKEA website) when I realized I hadn't blogged in forever! More less even looked at my site or others. I love reading Erin's blog ( that is one I frequent often and then girl with a satchel. Both really good for girly reads like recipes, fashion, family, life, etc :) is my random blog of what's going on with me, now as Mrs. Monica Deskins. :)

So I love married life by the way. Its great to know there is my best friend there with me to talk and share the thoughts of my heart with at each day's end. Its so fabulous to laugh together, enjoy the simple acts together, and grow together. My mom gave us this book "When sinners say I do" and its got some good thoughts about how we really get to see the good,bad, and ugly from one another. You are with that person so brutally honest and there is no where to run and hide when its rough. YOu deal with things, raw emotions, character flaws, bad habits, and still love one another at the end. My friend Lindsey has always been a great example to me of many things. She is an awesome mom of two and also a wife to a man she loves deeply. She gave me a hand-me-down book of hers "Sacred Marriage" and the author asks, "What if God made marriage to make us holy more than happy?" Food for thought. Marriage does challenge and stretch us. What I have noticed with my great seven months that, I see a true picture of who I am. Nathaniel gives me tough love. He calls me out. He challenges me to be a better person. He challenges me to be the person God called me to be. I love him for that. :)