Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm coming home

This past week God really opened my eyes to the truth found in the book of see Hosea had this wife, Gomer, that was a often Hosea had to suffer the pain of an unfaithful wife and having her forsake his love.....God uses Hosea in this situation to reflect the relationship of Israel with Him......and the same is true of me....
Ive been a Gomer.
I have often forsaken my God, the lover of my soul. Often I have "exchanged the glory of God for the disgrace of idols." ch 4 vs 7 Because idols aren't simply a little figurine of Buddha...but we can make an idol out of our friends, our family, our boyfriend, our own self image, our interests...whatever.....
And that is what I have been guilty of, I have given my primary attention, love and adoration to idols.....
Chapter 5 is very humbling, "For as soon as trouble comes, they will search for me...."
How shockingly true.....I hate when a friend only comes to me when something is wrong...only comes to me in crisis mode.....but man how often do I do the same with God? How amazing that the creator of the universe wants to be my friend? to hear about my hear the cries of my hear my worries.....
How I long to run to him and enjoy that close friendship and simply chill with him...good days...bad days....silly days.....emotional days......all the days I have breath.

How beautiful the story ends as Gomer repents and turns away from the idolatry and in the same....the Lord says to me and to you, his children, "Then I will heal you of your idolatry and faithlessness, and my love will know no bounds, for my anger will be gone forever!" ch 14

Thank you Father...i praise you that you receive me time and again when i have left you and chased after other loves. thank you Lord that you always take me heal me and your love has no are good father, i give you me :)