Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All they wanna do is "date" God

"There is something in us that makes us afraid of the commitment that comes with real intimacy with God. For one thing, intimacy with God requires purity. The days of fun and games in the Church are over. What do I mean by "fun and games?" If your definition of fun is "low commitment and lots of thrills and chills," then all you've ever wanted to do is "date God." ...God is tired of us wanting to get our thrills from Him without putting on the ring of commitment! Some are more enamored with the "goose bumps" than the glory! They're addicted to the annointing, liking the feeling of being blessed, receiving the "gifts" like a religious "gold-digger", happy with chocolates, flowers and jewelry. The last time I checked, He was still looking for a bride, not a girlfriend; one who will "stick" with Him."
-God Chasers Tommy Tenney

This book really challenged me on so many levels. Its all about learning to give God a full commitment of all that we are. Seeking His face not just His hands, seeking the Giver not just the gifts, seeking the Blesser not just the blessings. It was really convicting to look at how we must die to ourselves to truly experience the absolute fullness of God. Frank Bartleman from the Azusa Revival said, "The depth of your repentance will determine the height of your revival." The more we want of God the more we must let go of ourselves and plunge into HIM!
How awesome that we have the privilege of dwelling with the Creator of the Universe. How awesome that He who sees all things and knows all things wants to simply hang out with us. How beautiful that He takes our mistakes and times that we fail Him and he casts them as far as the east is from the west. How incredible that we can be filled with all that He is until we overflow and splash onto others. What kind of commitment are you giving Him of yourself? How deep do you wanna go into God?