So its been awhile since I wrote last.....I wanted to catch up on whats been going on since mid-December when I wrote last. I went back to the States on the 15th for a very exciting Christmas break. It was so good to visit with my family and friends back in KY. I wasn't sure how much culture shock I was gonna go thru, but had really prayed about it beforehand, had some good chats at the base here, and also read a really good book called "Re-entry." I was not sure how I would deal with the vast material wealth in the States in high contrast to the poverty that I've seen in Mexico. However, God really revealed an awesome lesson to me prior to leaving, to recognize that God pours out His favor and grace upon whom he chooses. Grace makes life not fair. And praise God for that....because if he just operated in fairness I would be plumb out of luck because I totally don't deserve the gifts he lavishes on me. So I really wanted to return stateside with an attitude of thanks for the goodness of God that he has laid upon so many in the US and that they are entrusted to use the gifts that God gives them with wisdom and as a good steward. And praise God, I was able to transition back to the states pretty easily. It was different being in restaraunts with menus......hadn't seen them in so long! It was different to jump in the car and go get a soda at the gas station! But one very different and highly exciting thing for me was being able to take bubble baths! they are totally my haven! i treasure my bath time and in mexico i have no bath tub....we shower for only two minutes every other day! needless to say this girly-girl really enjoyed her bubble baths :)
but on to the real much happened and i know you have a ton of stuff to do i'll be list format (which I know is boring) ....but yet short and sweet on some of the highlights: :)
*i was able to stay at my parent's house quite a bit and so enjoyed the beautiful way my mom had gone all out in decorating...the house was so cute and cozy :) was so nice to see the generosity of my parents and the way they love to treat others...the house was full of christmas goodies and yummy smells.......
*i also got to have some good hangout times with my brother....he is such a genius and i was so amazed to hang with him and see his talent in mechanics...i miss being able to chat with him know how most men aren't big on emails...every now and then he will send me a short and sweet one :)
*i really enjoyed some good quality time with nathaniel.....he is so good to me....he was very patient and going to and from places i had to be......he really went all out and took us up to brown co. indiana for a good time getaway to do some shopping and enjoy the quaint little town there :)........i really had such a good time being able to spend time laughing with him and enjoying the fun we have together! was a little easier to leave him this time because I now have much more peace than I did last semester......its a bit easier i think to leave knowing when I would be back......when i had left last semester it was all up in the air of when i would praise GOd for a little more direction in my future to know I'll be returning stateside in April
*i had an interview with the wmu back home.....and will be doing an internship with them starting in april! this is so so so super exciting b/c there vision matches up so well with my vision....they are all about educating and inspiring the church to get out there and love others both stateside and in other countries...very exciting they just got onboard with the International Mission Board a few years back and are really focusing attention on the unreached people groups.....obviously this has a big place in my heart in knowing that of the 15k people groups in the world...still 6k have yet to hear the name of Christ!.......i am really pumped to work with this organization and be a part of writing English curriculum for missions overseas, student camps to inspire students in missions, and many other awesome endeavors.......
*i got to speak in a few classes at my home church and share about the awesome things God has been doing in was great to see the faces of those who are supporting me in finances and prayer back was so good to share with them the awesome things we have seen God do from baptisms, to new relationships in our English classes, to Christians growing deeper in their faith, and loving others thru being the hands and feet of Christ
*i got to meet lots of mexicans living in the states as we of course visited lots of mexican restaraunts.....:) I missed the real mexican food! it was so good to be able to share about my faith with the manager at one fave was so nice to share in the mexican culture and show love to those living in the states :) really excited when I get back this spring to also take some classes in teaching english as a second language.....i found lots of those i met had been in the states for awhile and didnt know english but really expressed to me their desire to learn and really connect with some american friends.....
*it was just awesome to be back home.....sharing with others what God had taught me while in Missionary training school and thru the relationships there......there is so much he has been teaching me over the past year.....trying to let it all sink in and just be a sponge....i wanna soak in all that he has for me.......send me an email if you'd like to hear more specifics :) i'd love to share! thats a brief and general recap of my time back home in ky for christmas and new years.....
i pray that as we begin this new and i can both look at our lives....look at our goals..our vision and call that we feel God has put us on this earth for.......what has he gifted you in? what are your talents? how can you use them to bring a smile to his face? what dreams do you have? what do you want to acheive in this life? in this year?
If today was my last day what would I do? ok...then....thats the way I wanna go ahead and live today! :)
take today and live it as a "gift" given to you....for that is what it is "the present"